The city of Nice seen from the surrounding hillside bathed in sunshine


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Upt'North ¹ said :-
Bargain Bike Brands in Newcastle under Lyme are closing down and they really want to see the stock gone.
If you're in the market take a look online or in the shop, it's actually in Chesterton just off the A34.
I've just bought some replacement cheek pads for Er'Indoors helmet, they were starting to fail, BBB were way cheaper than the rest and free p and p.

14/01/2025 17:43:54 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Anybody got a pair of Weise Hydra troosers or know someone who has?
Are they warm, waterproof, quality, or not etc.
Ta me ducks.

17/01/2025 18:03:08 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I can't speak of the Hydra pants but I've had Weise kit in the past and it's "fine".

Are they the tooooooosers as in the link below? Seems like an awful lot of money to me. Either Weise have gone upmarket since I bought their kit or they're gold lined. What also troubles me is the lack of detail on the waterproofing. I'd expect "GoreTex" or similar plastered across the screen - the page below barely mentions "complete weather protection".

20/01/2025 07:55:21 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
That's them Ed, but presently on offer at a lot off. Going to order two pairs today of different waist sizes to give em a go. Your recent write up of should we or shouldn't we with the donning of waterproof boil in the bag suits convinced me to spend some money.
I can't get on with textiles, so waterproof leather may be the way.
We'll see I spose.
When it comes to oversuits, I either wear them all day and it never rains or I don't bother and get soaked. Plus you've got to carry the damn things. It's me isn't it.
Thanks for the response, "fine" should be just dandy.

20/01/2025 09:29:40 UTC
ROD¹ said :-
Upt', In my experience anything that is properly waterproof has the boil in the bag experience. In the past I worked with GoreTex and they claim that the membrane will let body perspiration through and keep water out. On their show stand they would show a GoreTex bag that they filled with boiling water and the steam would pass through the material, so the theory works.
However when the membrane is buried in clothing the materials next to the membrane can stop it working effectively, and many applications are bonded to a material so the adhesive can block the breathability of the membrane. Of course the biggest problem with the steam passing through the membrane is that perspiration is not at boiling point!!!
So the waterproof claim I will take as true, but I am sceptical of the breathability claim when used in clothing.

20/01/2025 09:52:57 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Your experience is mine Rod.

20/01/2025 11:12:47 UTC
nab301 said :-
I am generally a fan of Goretex but unfortunately it can leak in some conditions , it does generally gives all year round flexibility in terms of not having to stop in a rain shower to don extra waterproofs although as already mentioned on here when winter arrives I tend to wear a lightweight nylon jacket permanently over my heavy jacket which keeps it clean and the lightweight jacket is easily washable..
@ UPt , re your car EML light , if your diagnostics expert is suggesting inlet manifold and the like I'd imagine the ecu is struggling to keep control of the mixture so possibly an air leak (plastic manifold?) or maybe some random vacuum pipe is perished , again in theory someone with a proper subscription paid scan tool should be able to read for example long and short term fuel trims as a positive or negative value ( lean or rich ) which would help the diagnosis , the live lambda voltages with the engine running would also help the diagnosis. Years ago a relative had a '98 VW polo 1.4 which kept throwing up an engine light , while doing routine maintenance and with no scan tool I had removed the air filter housing and found a couple of perished hoses , these were replaced and the fault didn't reappear.

20/01/2025 12:24:59 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Thanks for that, I have checked hose condition, security, hose clips, oil filler seals, dip stick seals, fuel cap seals, air filter housing seal, etc. One suspect item recommended by the "expert" was the Evap Purge / Breather Valve, I've obtained one of them from a breakers and will have it ready at mot time which is next month.
If it passes I'll change the valve afterwards.
If it fails I'll change it and retest.
After that, we'll wait and see. The "expert"-"has been drip under pressure", did recommended recording the items you mention together with the fault code specifics.
Thanks for your help fella.

20/01/2025 12:40:06 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
With regards the troosers I'm just hoping they are the answer to.
1. Stupidity.
2. Getting caught in the shower from hell.
3. Keeping armour in place.
4. Stupidity.
My own experience of goretex is not as simple as it does or doesn't work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't expect to be at a constant temperature and comfort level whilst riding the bike. Are waterproofs any good in hot weather, no.
But modern garments with the venting etc are OK within realistic expectations. The troosers ordered do have zippy vents in them which should help in the heat.
I have no choice anyway as my 25 year old leathers are tired. It's time to move on. I tried a pair of Oxford Continental 2.0's, they're on ebay, nuff said.

20/01/2025 12:47:01 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
I hope you dudes and dudettes are coping in the weather.
The power's just come back on here after about 6 hours. Time to put the genny away......until next time.

24/01/2025 15:46:47 UTC
KiwiJeff said :-
Will this storm be enough to keep our heroic leader at home with the bike locked up! In the last storm he was riding around just to show you could and to show the rest of us "dandies" up! Stay safe up there, the pictures in the press of the storm damage are impressive.

24/01/2025 21:38:45 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Ooops, maybe leave the genny out a while. Blummin wind.
We topped out at 96 mph.
It was and still is wild.
But of course it won't stop The Leader of men.

24/01/2025 23:28:21 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
A bit breezy here in sunny (yes it is!) Redditch but no apparent damage. Mind you I did hear chain saws going yesterday to may mosey out and see what's going on in the vicinity.

25/01/2025 12:59:12 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Alas and alack during the worst of the storm SOME of us were working. Here in Bolton it was pretty windy but seemingly nowhere near as rough as Ireland and Scotland suffered.

Yes I would have ventured out, but only if it was necessary. I'm stupid, not really stupid. Keep your thoughts to yourself regarding my stupidity, I'm too stupid to understand any comments anyhoo.

25/01/2025 19:49:33 UTC
nab301 said :-
Not affected by power outages myself here in Ireland but at one stage there were apparently 750k homes/ businesses without power and many of those have estimated repair times of not before the first week of Feb..

27/01/2025 16:15:57 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
I blame the EU.

27/01/2025 16:21:20 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
I thought you might.

27/01/2025 16:27:52 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Drum roll, symbols!

27/01/2025 16:31:54 UTC
Rev. Mick! said :-
You should have been out in the far West of County Kerry.
As I used to say to my father in Wales, "Yes Dad, but we take the sting out of it for you".
Some of my neighbours only just getting power back and in some cases water.
Actually we have Finnish and Swedish technicians helping under a EU wide agreement.

08/02/2025 10:49:43 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Of course - you're on the edge of The Atlantic Rev. Mick! Storm Éowyn was force 12 hurricane on that side so you'd have really copped for it. I like a good storm, I find them fascinating. That being said I wouldn't want the roof ripped off my house and no electrickery for several weeks. It sounds pretty rough.

11/02/2025 11:21:27 UTC

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