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Upt'North ¹ said :-
All this talk of seat height and touching the floor got me thinking.
I know I shouldn't.
Just measured The B's seat, 87 cm as near as damn it. I can flat foot no problem but swinging your leg over concentrates your mind and right leg.
Just adjusted the suspension too for ze trip, now a little firmer in the spring and damping department.
Go on, you know you want to, measure yours......and your seat.

11/09/2024 12:56:40 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I think the seat height on my EARLIER MODEL CB500X (17 in front wheels before 2019) is 810mm, that's 81cm or 33.5 inches. The later NX500 is now 830mm.

I'm not at all tall at 5'8" or 5'9" depending on which leg I'm stood. I'm fine with the bike but as Upt' states throwing a leg over requires just a tad more effort than it once did. With the oversize luggage load on trips I don't even try to throw a leg over, lift up the leg, push it through the gap and hoppity hop in and on the bike. Not graceful.

I've never measured my inside leg, but my pants at 31 inches see to fit. I presume that doesn't include your foot though, otherwise my seat is taller than my leg? Who knows.

12/09/2024 08:07:36 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
More money!
Posted Image

11/10/2024 16:20:03 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Are those chain O rings?

11/10/2024 16:57:39 UTC
ROD¹ said :-
I bet that chain was making lots of protest noises by the time you got home.
At least you can say you got your money's worth.

11/10/2024 18:06:14 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Yes Ian, split o rings. Weird or what?
I've ordered two JT dampened front sprockets, 15 and 16T and a new JT rear. The chain will be heavy duty gold DID.
Maybe 7.5 years is too long for the rubber to survive, maybe 100 f's is too hot, maybe?

11/10/2024 18:20:46 UTC
Snod said :-
I heard clicking while the Z250SL stumbled and eventually stalled.

Hmmmm. Mhm. Mhm.
Posted Image

12/10/2024 12:41:36 UTC
Snod said :-
Replaced the plug and the cap and now it runs perfectly. It's not even time to replace the plug yet according to the service schedule, that's at 32K and the bike is only at 30K.

Posted Image

12/10/2024 12:43:29 UTC
nab301 said :-
@ Upt , that is mad , what sort of condition is the chain in minus the o rings? is it worn and Can you lift it off the sprockets ? Possibly at some stage in the chains life it was parked up wet and surface rust formed tearing the rings, I always try to keep o rings moist with oil / chain lube .

13/10/2024 12:14:58 UTC
nab301 said :-
@ Snod , at least it was an easy diagnosis and fix! Years ago I had an F650 (twin spark )which developed a problem and I promptly stripped off the twin carbs , nothing really found , in those days I was into preventive maintenance and on reassembly checked the plugs and even checked the resistance of the plug leads and caps , one of the plug caps had gone high resistance / open circuit , I'm guessing that was the cause of my misdiagnosed carburettor problem..

13/10/2024 12:22:29 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
It isn't showing too many signs of wear except it's obviously requiring more adjustment.
But like you say, mad!

13/10/2024 22:48:31 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Upt' - I've never come across o-rings failing so spectacularly. I'm thinking chemicals - I figure you're smart enough to use some kind of rubber friendly lube but perhaps a previous owner wasn't so wise? When changing your front sprocket have a look at the output seal, see if the rubber there has any signs of degrading.

Snod - does the bike live outside? That's a lorra corrosion there. I've gotten Sharon's 250 this week as it's MOT time. It's still an absolute hoot to ride, has big gobs of torque and power and handles great. The only thing it needs are wider bars, it's like steering a go-cart with those narrow things.

14/10/2024 08:11:43 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Only ever used Motul spray lube since I've owned it and it's never been cleaned with solvents.
Used Motul on the trip too.

14/10/2024 08:49:51 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
When I had an O ring chain on the big Tiger I just used Wurth spray wax which was nice and clean. My reasoning was that if(?) the O rings did their job then the pins, bushings etc would be lubricated by the grease originally fitted and that all that was needed was something to lubricate the outer edges of the O rings against the side plates. The bush / sprocket interface shouldn't need any lubricant as there shouldn't be any relative movement.

I was till on the original chain when I sold the bike at 20+ thousand miles and elongation was minimal and well within limits. And I did ride it in the rain - quite a lot - although not in winter.

14/10/2024 10:35:04 UTC
Glyn said :-
I’ve happily lived without chains for a while now but did have to lubricate the shafts on the Deauville and BMW. Neither job was quick or easy. Nothing made more of a mess on the swinging arm frame, rear wheels and mudguard than a Scott oiler and so I was happy without chains until I bought this bike yesterday. Ren is going to love this one!
Posted Image

20/10/2024 10:05:58 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Argh!!!! My poor ears. I still have nightmares after riding my friend's 350 version of this horror.

You're a bit early for Halloween Glyn.

20/10/2024 10:24:53 UTC
Glyn said :-
That’s not quite the level of abuse that I was expecting. Your last trip seems to have made you less critical , let’s hope you recover soon. It’s another renovation that takes a good ish picture. The truth is that the engine hasn’t run for 4 years plus it’s been stored outside for 2 years (albeit under a cover). The screen is broken but the only parts missing are the mirrors. Not everyone hates them though, they seem to have an extraordinarily high value. I’ve racked up loads of miles on the BMW then got bored with just riding. This TZR was not on the open market but offered to me via by brother who has an highly tuned ear for anything 2 stroke. It’ll get me back into my favourite winter place, the garage!

20/10/2024 10:38:21 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Oh no! Am I losing my edge? Less critical, less cynical, I almost got close to enjoying myself recently too. Good heavens this will never do. I'm going to have to get myself back in nasty 'orrible contemptuous training. I'm sure a few moments in the company of that TZR when it's back up and running will put me back onto the righteous path of curmudgeonly bitterness.

21/10/2024 07:36:15 UTC
Glyn said :-
I look forward to being a part of your rehabilitation Ed. You’re most welcome to join me at the (eventual) engine start moment. I’m sure that ring a ding ding sound will have you back to normal in a flash not to mention the blue smoke filling your nostrils . It will be a full on attack on the senses.

21/10/2024 07:59:30 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
You're too kind Glyn, too kind. I'm feeling more miserable already thank you.

22/10/2024 07:49:00 UTC

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